徐佳瑩 Lala Hsu — 真的傻 Fall in Love At First Kiss [ZH/ENG Lyrics]

3 min readFeb 26, 2019


追逐眼前 不斷消失的背影
Zhuīzhú yanqián bùduàn xiāoshī de bèiying
Chasing a figure that keeps disappearing

wo chù bù dào de jùlí
A distance that I cannot reach

毫無保留 以為就能感動你
háo wú baoliú yiwéi jiù néng gandòng ni
I gave it all, thinking that it would be able to touch your heart

原來 差距像天地
yuánlái chājù xiàng tiāndì
But it turns out the distance is like that between the Earth and the sky

我喜歡你 也喜歡我的機率
wo xihuān ni yě xihuān wo de jīlǜ
I like you, and I like my chances that you like me too

wùchā huì you ji lími
There could be a few millimeters of error

愛不是誰夠努力 就值得被珍惜
ài bùshì shuí gòu nnlì jiù zhídé bèi zhēnxī
In love, you won’t be cherished just because you try hard

可我 總學不會放棄
kě wo zong xué bù huì fàngqì
But I can never learn how to give up

我是真的想 一輩子 賴在你身旁
wo shì zhēn de xiang yībèizi lài zài ni shēn páng
I really want to stay by your side for the rest of my life

可是你的步伐 快到我 已經追不上
kěshì ni de bùfá kuài dào wo yijīng zhuī bù shàng
But I can no longer catch up to your pace

倘若是我 拖累你翱翔
tangruò shì wo tuōlèi ni áoxiáng
If I am dragging you down from being able to fly

願從你 生命徹底被遺忘
yuàn cóng ni shēngmìng chèdi bèi yíwàng
Then I hope that I can be completely forgotten from your life

我是真的想 獨占你 不跟誰分享
wǒ shì zhēn de xiǎng dúzhàn nǐ bù gēn shuí fēnxiǎng
I really want you to be only mine, and not have to share with anyone

可是我真的傻 才害你 黯淡了光芒
kěshì wǒ zhēn de shǎ cái hài nǐ àndànle guāngmáng
But it is because of my foolishness that your brightness has been dimmed

別擔心我 是我不夠好
bié dānxīn wǒ shì wǒ bùgòu hǎo
Don’t worry about me, it’s me that is not good enough

你要找到比我 更愛你的人 愛你
nǐ yào zhǎodào bǐ wǒ gèng ài nǐ de rén ài nǐ
You have to find someone who loves you more than I do, to love you

她走向你 天造地設的美景
tā zǒuxiàng nǐ tiānzàodìshè dì měijǐng
She walks towards you, and it’s a scene designed by fate

ràng wǒ jìmò dào tòumíng
My loneliness becomes transparent

用盡全力喜歡你 越是弄疼愛情
yòng jìn quánlì xǐhuān nǐ yuè shì nòng téng àiqíng
Using my all to love you, only makes love hurt

真心 祝福你能幸福
zhēnxīn zhùfú nǐ néng xìngfú
I genuinely wish you happiness

我是真的想 一輩子 賴在你身旁
wǒ shì zhēn de xiǎng yībèizi lài zài nǐ shēn páng
可是你的步伐 快到我 已經追不上
kěshì nǐ de bùfá kuài dào wǒ yǐjīng zhuī bù shàng
倘若是我 拖累你翱翔
tǎngruò shì wǒ tuōlèi nǐ áoxiáng
願從你 生命徹底被遺忘
yuàn cóng nǐ shēngmìng chèdǐ bèi yíwàng

我是真的想 獨占你 不跟誰分享
wǒ shì zhēn de xiǎng dúzhàn nǐ bù gēn shuí fēnxiǎng
可是我真的傻 才害你 黯淡了光芒
kěshì wǒ zhēn de shǎ cái hài nǐ àndànle guāngmáng
感謝是你 美好了回憶
gǎnxiè shì nǐ měihǎole huíyì
你要找到比我 更愛你的人 愛你
nǐ yào zhǎodào bǐ wǒ gèng ài nǐ de rén ài nǐ

我喜歡你 也喜歡我的機率
wǒ xǐhuān nǐ yě xǐhuān wǒ de jīlǜ
wùchā huì yǒu jǐ lím

Transcription credits to where they belong — not me.

